A Clinical Based Comprehensive ENT
Author : Tapan Kanti Hazra
- The book is developed on the basis of CBME based of National Medical Commission(NMC)/Medical Council of India (MCI)
- This book as the name if the book suggested is a comprehensive otorhinolaryngology book covering all chapter of Ear, Nose, Larynx, Oral Cavity, Tonsils, Oesophagus and head neck (including salivary glands and thyroid)
- All topics are written in question and answer form which will be very helpful for student to understand and helpful to face viva in examination.
- This book will be not only beneficial to undergraduate (for them, it is a complete book) but also for post graduate (as base line for more elaborated study)
- Clinical case studies of ear, nose and throat symptoms written in manner history taking and examination to arrive a provisional diagnosis and the different diagnosis is also mention.
- This type of description will be very help full for junior and senior resident attending E.N.T ward. Operative portion are discussed along the disease management.
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As per New Competency Based Medical Education ENT Curriculum of National Medical Commission
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